Artificial intelligence and academic integrity
New technology enables students to generate content by the use of (so-called) artificial intelligence. We still remember the old rubric rubbish in, rubbish out - but maybe technology has moved on. If it has, there is potential for students to create assessment material which incorporates unique, computer-generated content which evades detection by anti-plagiarism software.
The Guardian (Australian edition, 10 January 2023) reports that the University of Sydney’s latest academic integrity policy now includes “generating content using artificial intelligence” as a form of cheating. The Guardian also reports that the Group of Eight’s deputy chief executive, Dr Matthew Brown, has indicated that G8 universities are revising their plans for assessment in 2023. This may include greater use of pen and paper exams and tests.
If this happens the old will become the new - existing rules about the conduct of in-person supervised examinations will acquire a new currency.